Opstree OSS

Opstree's opensource contribution to world
Redis Operator

A golang based redis operator which will make/oversee Redis setup on K8s.

Dynamic PV Scaler

A golang based K8s application which overcomes the scaling issue of PVC in K8s.

Redis Docker Image

A production based Redis and Redis Exporter docker image

Docker Compose ELK

A compose setup for ELK (Elasticsearch, Logtsash and Kibana)

Restic Image

Wrapper utility over restic for backup/restore

MySQL Backup Image

Backup utility written on top of Restic for MySQL Backup/restore

Helm Charts

A repository which that will contain helm charts with best and security practices

Fasten Docker Build

A project showcasing how you can fasten docker build from 3 minute to 4 second

Spinnaker Study

Simple Quarkus Microservice for CI/CD Demo

Postgresql Backup

Docker wrapper written on top of Restic to manage PostgreSQL backup/restore

K8s Secret Injector

K8s Secret Injector is a tool that can connect with multiple secret managers to fetch the secrets

K8s Vault Webhook

A k8s vault webhook is a Kubernetes webhook that can inject secrets into Kubernetes resources by connecting to multiple secret managers

Terraform Image

Docker image to run terraform

Mongodb Operator

A golang based operator to create and manage MongoDB standalone setup and cluster setup

K8s Utils Image

K8s Utils for various useful Kubernetes utilities

Logging Operator

A golang based operator to create and manage EFK (Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana) stack on Kubernetes