Cloud Security Suite - One stop tool for auditing the security posture of AWS/GCP/Azure infrastructure.
Terraform module which creates security group on AWS Cloud.
Terraform module which provides networking solution on AWS Cloud.
Terraform module which provides static website hosting on s3 with CDN on AWS Cloud.
Terraform module which creates Elastic Kubernetes service cluster on AWS Cloud.
Terraform module which provides a High Available and quick disaster recovery setup for EC2 in stance on AWS cloud.
Terraform module which create iam resources and bind roles
Terraform module which create storage buckets
Terraform module will create a EKS Cluster
Terraform module which create a complete GCP memorystore redis cluster setup
Terraform module which configures Cloudtrail on AWS.
Terraform module which creates EC2 Instance on AWS
Terraform module will create a complete Cloudfront setup
Terraform module which creates route table on AWS.
Terraform module which will manage ALB
Terraform module which creates a MSSQL Instance, Subnet group and complete database setup
Terraform module which creates Master Slave Replication MariaDB on AWS
Terraform module which create and setup the AWS RDS
Terraform module which creates a complete ElastiCache cluster setup
Terraform module which creates a AWS SQS
Terraform module which creates SNS topic & subscription on AWS
Terraform module which creates Secret Manager Secrets on AWS
Terraform module which create a complete ElastiCache cluster setup
Terraform module which creates IAM role in target account
Terraform module which setup the AWS VPC Peering Service with in & cross region
Terraform module which creates lb target group on AWS
Terraform module which creates Route53 Records mapping module on AWS
Tracing use case of AWS X-Ray Go SDK