Opstree OSS

Opstree's opensource contribution to world
CS Suite

Cloud Security Suite - One stop tool for auditing the security posture of AWS/GCP/Azure infrastructure.

Terraform: AWS Security Group

Terraform module which creates security group on AWS Cloud.

Terraform: AWS Network Skeleton

Terraform module which provides networking solution on AWS Cloud.

Terraform: AWS Static Website Container

Terraform module which provides static website hosting on s3 with CDN on AWS Cloud.

Terraform: AWS EKS Cluster

Terraform module which creates Elastic Kubernetes service cluster on AWS Cloud.

Terraform: AWS HA-EC2-ALB

Terraform module which provides a High Available and quick disaster recovery setup for EC2 in stance on AWS cloud.

Terraform: GCP IAM

Terraform module which create iam resources and bind roles

Terraform: GCP cloud Storage

Terraform module which create storage buckets

Terraform: EKS

Terraform module will create a EKS Cluster

Terraform: GCP Memorystore Redis Cluster

Terraform module which create a complete GCP memorystore redis cluster setup

Terraform: AWS Cloudtrail

Terraform module which configures Cloudtrail on AWS.

Terraform: AWS EC2 Instance

Terraform module which creates EC2 Instance on AWS

Terraform: Cloudfront

Terraform module will create a complete Cloudfront setup

Terraform: AWS Route Table

Terraform module which creates route table on AWS.

Terraform: AWS ALB

Terraform module which will manage ALB

Terraform: MSSQL

Terraform module which creates a MSSQL Instance, Subnet group and complete database setup

Terraform: AWS RDS MariaDB

Terraform module which creates Master Slave Replication MariaDB on AWS

Terraform: AWS RDS

Terraform module which create and setup the AWS RDS

Terraform: ElastiCache Redis Cluster

Terraform module which creates a complete ElastiCache cluster setup

Terraform: AWS SQS

Terraform module which creates a AWS SQS

Terraform: AWS SNS Topic & Subscription

Terraform module which creates SNS topic & subscription on AWS

Terraform: AWS Secret Manager

Terraform module which creates Secret Manager Secrets on AWS

Terraform: ElastiCache Cluster

Terraform module which create a complete ElastiCache cluster setup

Terraform: AWS Cross Account IAM Role

Terraform module which creates IAM role in target account

Terraform: AWS Vpc Peering

Terraform module which setup the AWS VPC Peering Service with in & cross region

Terraform: AWS LB Target Group

Terraform module which creates lb target group on AWS

Terraform: AWS Route53 Records Mapping

Terraform module which creates Route53 Records mapping module on AWS


Tracing use case of AWS X-Ray Go SDK